Upcoming events in October – December 2023
Monday 23rd 8.00pm: Gary Fisher is giving an illustrated talk on The Gunpowder Plot.
Sunday 29th: Open Day with a visit from the steel rods and there are 55 promised.
Saturday 4th 10-3.30: A chance to see the veteran vehicles participating in the Brighton Run in Malborough Road next to St James’ Palace.
Monday 13th 8.00pm: Steve Waddingham will be giving a talk on Aston Martins.
Friday 17th: Nomination forms and any items for discussion at the AGM should be in.
Saturday 25th : Rock’n’roll Night in the annexe. Tickets £12.00.
Monday 27th 8.00pm: . AGM – hear about the work of EDVVS and the EDVVT. NOTE: Members only.
Wednesday 29th: Christmas Meal for Members, Volunteers and partners.
Monday 11th: Society Social – open to members, volunteers and partners: a relaxed evening with light festive refreshments and entertainment. Also the special Christmas Raffle.
Upcoming events in September 2023
The following events are taking place:
5th September Capel Manor Show- pre-booked
6th September 7.30 First meeting of Pageant Committee 2024 in the club room.
10th September EDVVS Car Display at Hatfield House.
11th September Dennis Voller is our speaker : 35 years of collecting toys. You are invited to bring along a toy with history.
23rd September Railway Modellers Show at the Museum – Adults are £5. Under 16s and carers are free.
24th September Morris Minor Day and Lonestar Model display.
25th September Lesley and David Heard: Holiday of a Lifetime